The outfits, the anticipation, the flash of the camera — School Picture Day is full of excitement for all involved, but it can also be a lot of work. As any parent knows, getting a preschooler to focus on one thing is sometimes easier said than done. Now imagine accomplishing that feat for an entire class!
How Picture Day volunteers can make Picture Day a great experience for kids
When schools aren't able to assist as needed, it's a great opportunity for parents, grandparents and family members to become helpers to ensure a fun and flawless Picture Day. Here are some of the things parent helpers do to make sure every photo turns out great:
- Organization: Parents assist with getting kids to the photograph room in an orderly fashion.
- Clothing: Make sure shoes are tied, buttons are buttoned and collars lie flat.
- Accessories: Straighten hair clips and make sure jewelry clasps are behind the neck.
- Hair and face: Check that hair is neat and noses and faces are clean.
- Acitivies: Keep kids busy while they wait with free printable art projects.
Why volunteer as a School Picture Day helper
Being a parent volunteer is a choice that many caregivers find to be a lot of fun. They get to interact with all the children, see their unique personalities and assist in creating memorable portraits for families that will be cherished for years to come.
It's also an important role to help ease the nerves of children who may feel shy or timid in front of a camera. It's important to make a photo day an enjoyable experience early on (after all, photo day happens every year!). In addition to helping the children feel brave, it's important to keep them safe. Parent volunteers should prepare themselves before arriving to the preschool center with cleanliness and wearing a mask.
If you're interested in being a parent helper at your preschool's next Picture Day event, ask your school's teacher or the center director for more information.
Picture Day Helpers make a huge impact on ensuring an easier and quicker Picture Day. Check out how you can help your preschool!