What a year it’s been for our little preschoolers. So much in their world has changed as day-to-day schedules shifted due to the pandemic. We can’t forget that for some of them, a huge milestone is ahead as they transition from preschool to kindergarten! It’s time to think about how to celebrate this milestone! Download a Kindergarten or Preschool commemorative sign that the kids can customize with their names. Each child can hold their sign during their Lifetouch Spring Picture Day!
Below is a fun project for making paper graduation caps. This fun cap is also an option that can be worn during Lifetouch Spring photography.
Do-It-Yourself Graduation Cap:
Materials Needed:
• Black Poster Board
• Ruler
• Paper Fastener
• String for Tassel
• Fabric Measuring Tap
• Scissors
• Pencil
• Stapler
Cap Instructions:
• Make a 10x10 square out of black poster board and cut it out.
• Push paper fastener in the middle of the square.
• Measure child’s head circumference. Using the black poster board, cut out a rectangle that is 4 inches, child’s head circumference.
• Fold 1 inch of the rectangle down.
• Put eight small triangle notches in the one-inch folded flap.
• Bend the rectangle piece into a circular shape and staple ends together.
• Put glue on the folded flap and glue the top square onto it.
Tassel Instructions:
• Cut a couple of packs of string into 7-8" pieces and lay them together.
• Take one string and tie it together in the middle of the bundle.
• Use another long string to tie again to be sure it’s secure. Make this one a long string to it can be attached to the paper fastener on the cap. Fold the two halves of the string together.
• Use another string to tie around a half-inch from the top of the folded bundle to give it the look of a graduation cap tassel.
• Attach to paper fastener on cap.
Let's get creative! Here is an idea to get your children's imagination going this graduation season.